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The first booke of the communication of Raphael Hythloday, concernyng the best state of a commenwelth. THE moste victorious & triumphant Kyng of Englande, Henry the eyght of that name, in al roial vertues a Prince most perelesse, hadde of late ín controversie with Charles, the right highe and mightye Kyng of Castell, weighty matters & of great importaunce. for the debatement & final determination wherof, the kinges Majesty sent me Ambassadour into Flaunders, joyned in commission with Cuthbert Tunstall, a man doutlesse out of comparison, and whom the Kynges Majestie of late, to the great rejoysynge of all men, dyd preferre to the office of Maíster of the Rolles. BUT of thís mannes prayses I wyll saye nothyng, not bicause I doo feare that small credence
The first booke of the communication of Raphael Hythloday, concernyng the best state of a commenwelth. THE moste victorious & triumphant Kyng of Englande, Henry the eyght of that name, in al roial vertues a Prince most perelesse, hadde of late ín controversie with Charles, the right highe and mightye Kyng of Castell, weighty matters & of great importaunce. for the debatement & final determination wherof, the kinges Majesty sent me Ambassadour into Flaunders, joyned in commission with Cuthbert Tunstall, a man doutlesse out of comparison, and whom the Kynges Majestie of late, to the great rejoysynge of all men, dyd preferre to the office of Maíster of the Rolles. BUT of thís mannes prayses I wyll saye nothyng, not bicause I doo feare that small credence